Sunday, March 20, 2011

It is Spring in TX

All the trees are blooming and North Texas is turning green.  The weather is beautiful.  I would love for time to stand still and the beautiful spring weather stay for a while. 

Tuesday and Saturday team run's are going great!  Now that the weather is warmer more folks are coming out and participating.  I on the other hand do not care for the warmer weather and am concerned about my ability to tolerate it when the temperatures start rising.  Saturday morning was good but I had a mild headache after the run.  We will see.  Pushing forward and taking each challenge as it is presented to me.  Stopping is not an option.

The physical therapy is awesome and I am really feeling a difference in my runs due to the strengthening of the core muscles and stretching, stretching, stretching.  My hope is that after the race in June I can try going off the Lyrica and see if I still experience the nerve pain.  The PT has experienced this same issue and has for the most part controlled it and relieved the pressure by focussed exercise and stretching.  I am hopeful.

Next Saturday is the Pot Of Gold drawing if you haven't donated please consider doing so before next Friday!  We have around $550 dollars in gift cards calling someone's name!

Til next post.
I am grateful,

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